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In compliance with privacy regulations (General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 679/2016 - "RGPD") and D.Lgs. 196/2003, as amended by D.Lgs. 101/2018, we wish to inform you that personal data, such as name, surname, e-mail address, company name and other personal data provided by filling out this form, marked as mandatory, are necessary to process the request forwarded and in their absence not the request acquisition procedure may be completed.

The personal data acquired are processed by Logicaldoc s.r.l. (Data controller) with computerized procedures and methods to ensure the correct management of the requested service and related regulatory obligations. The data are stored at Logicaldoc s.r.l. for the times provided for by the applicable legislation in force and are protected by appropriate security measures, in compliance with the standards required for the confidentiality of data and the secrecy of communications. The data will not be disclosed, nor transferred to countries outside the EU.

The processing of data is entrusted to employees and collaborators specifically authorized by Logicaldoc s.r.l. within the functions and offices set up.

Rights of the interested party:

At any time the interested party can access their personal data and eventually request their correction or integration if inaccurate or incomplete, the deletion of data, the limitation of processing or the portability of data where the conditions are met, or oppose their use for direct marketing purposes, as well as revoke the consent where issued (articles 15-22 of the RGPD), by contacting Logicaldoc srl Data Controller, P.I. IT03035550361, Via Aldo Moro n. 3, e-mail

You may also make a claim to the Data Protection Authority, when you believe that your rights have been violated in relation to the processing of personal data.

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