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10. Januar 2023

Released LogicalDOC version 8.8.3

LogicalDOC 8.8.3 is now available!
As usual, after a few months from the last news, we are pleased to inform you of the release of the next major release.
We provide a short list of the main news in chronological order from the most recent version.
For more information, please consult the attached links.

(LogicalDOC v8.8.3)

  • Configurable password quality enforcement
  • Customizable extended attributes initialization and validation
  • Time driven automation triggers
  • Customizable visualization of digital signature
  • User's personal signature
  • Automation routines in reaction to calendar event reminders

(LogicalDOC v8.7.3)

  • Configurable columns set in dashlets of type Document and Document Event
  • Integration with Duo Two Factors Authenticator
  • Passing dynamic parameters to stamps
  • More branding options (head, top, bottom, footer)

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