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Trademark Usage Guidelines

Trademark Usage Guidelines

The LogicalDOC logo

Logo variations

The LogicalDOC (LD) logo is available in vertical, horizontal, and logomark-only versions. The logo can be represented in colors or black or white as displayed below.

Horizontal Logo: Min size 100x16px

Vertical Logo: Min size 72x70px

Logomark: Min size 16x16px

Usage guidelines

Clear space

To ensure an uncluttered presentation, always maintain a full "X" space around the logo. The "X" height is always the height of the lowercase letter "o" in "LogicalDOC". Use the safety area as an invisible border.

  • Do not change logo colors. Use the provided options
  • Do not rotate the LogicalDOC logo
  • Do not distort or alter the LogicalDOC logo
  • Do not lockup any other words along with the LogicalDOC logo
  • Do not rearrange elements of the logo
  • Do not use the logo at sizes smaller than the indicated minimum size

Name usage guidelines

Using the LogicalDOC name is generally permitted as long as it’s used in a non-commercial way and does not imply endorsement by LD.

Please do not name your integrations or apps starting with, or only using, the name "LogicalDOC", as this may confuse end-users as to where to find support.

Alternatively, community projects may concatenate names containing LogicalDOC.

Quality Assurance

Licensee will ensure that the quality of all products released with the LogicalDOC logo meet the prevailing quality standards within the industry at the time and as prescribed from LD from time to time. LD shall have the right to inspect any product at reasonable times and places. If in the judgment of LD the quality is inferior or endangers the goodwill and reputation of LogicalDOC, LD may require Licensee to immediately cease using the LogicalDOC logo.


Licensee agrees to obtain LD's pre-approval for all marketing collateral and other materials containing the LogicalDOC logo, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

This document is published at the "Trademark Usage Guidelines" section of this site and is subject to updating.

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