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14. Juli 2022

LogicalDOC connects to Visio and Microsoft Project

We are thrilled to announce the release of LogicalDOC Office Add-in v4.0.0. This new edition enables the management of Visio diagrams and Microsoft Project documents.

LogicalDOC Office Add-in for Windows provides users direct access to LogicalDOC from within Microsoft Office 2013-2021/ Microsoft 365 applications.

You can edit all Office documents stored in LogicalDOC and save them back in the document archive. It performs all document Checkin-Checkout operations under the hood, making document versioning quick and easy. It also offers many file management features allowing you to work on the document archive from your Microsoft application without using the browser.

LogicalDOC Office Add-in allows you to search by filename or text on the content of files in the document archive.

In addition, the new edition of LogicalDOC 8.8.1 correctly treats Visio and Microsoft Project file types with appropriate icons and previews, and allows you to quickly launch the Office application dedicated to editing the document.

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