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ChatGPT Integration: LogicalDOC Gets Smart

ChatGPT Integration: LogicalDOC Gets Smart

Generative AI refers to ChatGPT, a technology that allows users to input prompts and receive AI-generated images, text, or videos.

ChatGPT can understand and produce text like humans. It has been designed to process and generate natural text in several languages.

With this AI connected with LogicalDOC, users can type a prompt or question about their documents. 

For instance one of the requirements of the standard - ISO 215-1:2018 "Information and documentation" is the creation of document summaries and this task can be delegated to LogicalDOC's integration with ChatGPT, which through natural language processing, can analyze the content of a document and generate a summary that complies with the principles established by the standard. 

Another useful task would be to extract information using the natural language like what is the price of a product in a price list or how long it will take a course.

Even translating the document into another language become an easy task with such an integration.

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