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OnlyOffice integrated in the Document Management

OnlyOffice integrated in the Document Management

With the OnlyOffice  integration tool, you will be able to edit documents, presentations, spreadsheets directly through your browser.

Multiple users can edit documents online, so that now you can increase the collaboration experience with your co-workers.

Benefits of this feature

  • Users can edit the documents by using the browser without the need of a local program
  • Co-workers can edit online documents
  • Edit the most used Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents
  • Leverage OnlyOffice's capabilities for document conversion
  • Editing and converting documents in the safety of your local network
  • Creation of a new documents from scratch

Feature details

  • Online editing and automated checkin-checkout
  • Concurrent editing within multiple users
  • Create PDF form documents
  • Produce PDFs online by filling in the data in a PDF form
  • Easy installation and setup
  • More details in the User's Guide

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